Friday, 25 November 2016

Tales of Gloucestershire - Shannon Jenson, A Long Walk

After a class review of some of the images I had taken of my room, I came up with even more idea on how I could shoot and display this project. Below are a few of the test shots I did of my room:

When looking at these photos, a few of my class live in the same halls as me, Pitville, and said that photographing the bookshelves could be quite interesting because everyone has the same one but they way that they would of made decorated it would be different for everyone.
After some more research, I found a photographer called Shannon Jenson. She travelled to the South Sudan, in May to July 2012 she produced a 21 image series called 'A Long Walk'. The images are of the shoes that the refugees had worn to escape their homes and walked for day to get to somewhere 'safe'. Some of the photos in her series were shown as a grid of 12 images which were all shot using a north facing wall so that the exposure and lighting is the same for all images, they also then all have the same crop, and background which makes them very striking and emotional to look at. Below are those images from her series,
 The above image is of the shoes worn by those who had walked from the Blue Nite State to the South Sudan in May to June of 2012. Many had walked for days and days to get here and these were all they had to wear on their feet.
 These are the shoes of some of the children that were aged 10 or younger, one pair belonging to Musa Shep who was 2 years old, who travelled for 20 days with his family to get to the Sudan.

 An assortment of sandals worn by men and woman of all ages.
 Shoes of the men and woman over the age of 50. Jensen shows an assortment of different shoe and sandals worn, and walked for day in shoes.
'Incredible array of worn-down, ill-fitting, and jerry rigged shoes form a silent testimony to the arduous nature of their journey, as well as the persistence and ingenuity of the individuals who served it.'

This gave me inspiration on how I could set out my images and shoot them. Using the bookshelves in our hall bedrooms, my idea is too shoot them all in the same lighting and the same crop so that it shows the individuality of each student, and I can print them using the same method as Jenson, as a grid.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Tales of Gloucstershire - Shizuka Yokomizo - 'Dear Stranger'

After talking to some of my friends and some Library research, I discovered Shizuka Yokomizo. A Japanese photographer, that now lives and works in London. Working in photography since the start of the 1990's, he has a very alternative look at photography, photographing everything in his own style, from nude models to into peoples home from the outside, I really enjoyed looking at his work.
The project that I looked into and gave me more ideas for my shoot/s, is about strangers and getting a small peak into their homes. Between 1998 and 2000, he photographed many different windows around London by sending out a letter with the details of what his plan was to photograph their living rooms. Below is the letter template he sent out to the home owners about photographing them

On his website he has chosen his favourite images from the series and after some researching around I found out that instead of names, they were labelled 'Stranger No....', each one having a different number from the next in the order he had obviously taken them and chosen which ones to exhibit e.c.t. Below are the images and labels from the series I found on his website. I hope to do shoo some of my photos for my stories in the same style, to at least experiment with the techniques and see what happens.
 Stranger No6, 1999
 Stranger No10, 1999
 Stranger No18, 2000
  Stranger No19, 2000
  Stranger No24, 2000
  Stranger No2, 1999
  Stranger No2,1998
  Stranger No5, 1999
  Stranger No7, 1999
  Stranger No13, 1999
  Stranger No9, 1999
 Stranger No21, 2000