Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Tewkesbury Mop Fair 2016

Friday 7th and Saturday 8th of October 2016 was the return of the infamous Mop Fair. Originally dating as far back as the 12th century, its a very historical fair and started as an sort of career fair. The local families would dress in their Sunday best and enjoying an evening full of fun and games. As well as families, the local workers, such as farmers, craftsmen and labours among many more,  would come along too, each bringing something that represents their trade of work. So for example, the famers would bring along a pitchfork and the local blacksmith would bring a brandishing iron e.c.t.. All the unemployed or the people looking to change their livelihood would bring along a mop in the hopes that someone's might spot them and offer them a new line of work.
Now a days its a massive street fair packed with different rides, games, food stalls and much more, still an exciting day out but maybe not with your mop too.

As part of our assignment we got to photograph the event, excepting to use lots of slow shutter speeds and long exposures I was surprised how much I got to experiment with different techniques when we got there and once it had got dark. Below are some of the images I got:

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